CDO.iMailbox failling


Viral Parikh

I am working on sending mail using VBA in MS Access via Exchange 2000. I got
the the code from

Please see the code. Here it created object of Person all ok. Then try to
create object for interface iMailbox with Person object which is failing.
Ultimatly I required URL for user's basefolder to open connection with

If anybody really worked on it please solve this problem.

Thanks and Regards

Moni Thomas

Hi Viral,

I am experiecing the same problem when trying to access the IMailbox
interface.. I get Path not found as error message.
If you have any answers to this, please respond.

My code snippet is

Set Person = CreateObject("CDO.Person")
strURL = "mailto:" & email
Person.DataSource.Open strURL
Set Mailbox = Person.GetInterface("IMailbox")

Thanks in advance.


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