CDO to Retrieve E-mail




I have succesfully used Ron DeBruin's CDO instructions to set up a very nice
email sending application.

Is there a way similar to CDO to check and retrieve emails without going
through Outlook or any other email client?

Thanks in advance,

Albert C.


the code would depend on the format your e-mail server used. for example a
POP server would use different commands than other servers. If your e-mail
account had web access you can download the email using a werb browser


Hi Joel,
Thanks for your quick response. I'm thinking something more in the lines of
POP. Could you give me some suggestions for the commands?
Albert C.


Read this webpage

I don't know how much you understand network protocols.

I found information to open a Telnet session to get email. A telnet
oprotocol goes back to the early 1970's. It was 1st developed for Telnet
terminals that were operating at 75 Baud (75 bits a second). That is about
one line of data a second. Very slow.

Telnet now will run at you connection speed which is probably greater than 1
million bits a second. But it requires issuing one comand and then waiting
for the response. and the return message will be a string that you will have
to process. The response could be an email message or an error message. You
will have to intepret each type of response in your software. This may be
complicated. I haven't tried it myself. You may want to open an interactive
window where the user will type commands and get responses on the window.

FTP is similar to Telnet put will put the results into a file instead
returning the message(s) into a file. Again this could be complicated.

I think the simplies approach would be to use an email program.


Thank you sir,
I'll give it a shot.
If I get it to work I'll post it.
Best regards,
Albert C.


Ooops, I didnt get the address of the page you mentioned. Could you post it
again please?

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