cell addresses and formula?



I have a table in word which has a couple of columns headers "Number of
hours" and "Tuition". I want to use the number of hours * 4.5 to obtain the
tuition. I can easily do it in Excel =G4*4.5 but I do not understand how
you obtain the proper cell addresses in Word to perform this. The columns
are adjacent so is there another way?

Thanks for information.


Thank you Suzanne, but now I am having syntax errors.
I tried the =G:7*4.5 and {=G:7*4.5} but that did not work. How do you
perform the calculation for G:7 * 4.5? I am beginning to think I should
convert the document to Excel.


I figured it out, macro shows G:7 but really is G7 address. Guess you
cannot copy formula to columns then like in Excel?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

All cell addresses in Word are absolute, so no, you can't copy them to other
cells without modification. If you need to do a lot of such calculations, it
might be more efficient to embed an Excel sheet in the Word doc.

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