Cell Alignment



If I merge two cells vertically and click on Middle Cell Alignment Left,
the text is centered vertically within the now-larger cell. If I
increase the height of a paragraph to 1.5 lines, the text still hugs the
top border of a cell even if I tell the cell to align Middle Cell Align
Left. Is there a way around this behavior using Word 2000 other than to
add space before the text in each cell?


Hi mcp6453

If you have any paragraph formatting on your text this will affect the cell

If you want cell alignment buttons to work absolutely like the diagrams on
the buttons then you would to set your text to single line spacing and no
space after for the middle or bottom cell alignment options.

In fact they *are* working properly as they are putting the paragraph at the
bottom of the cell, it's just that they take account of your line spacing or
space after.

Hope this helps.

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