I'm using Excel v11.2 under Mac OS 10.4.3.
I have a relatively large spreadsheet in List Manager, using visuals
and the totals row. It is currently 888 rows (including the * and
totals row) by 24 columns wide. I remember reading something, possibly
in the Excel help, about list manger not working well with large
spreadsheets, but I don't recall it saying at what point "large"
begins, so perhaps this problem is related to using the List Manager.
Anyhow, I recently put some colored borders on some cells in the list,
and I noticed that when I sort or flter by various criteria, the
borders move to different cells. This is not good. I want the borders
to stay with the cells I've put them on.
OTOH, I have some other cells *filled* with a distinctive color, and
those cells are not affected like this. They stay filled correctly
regardless of how I may sort or filter the list.
So is this deal with the colored borders moving to different cells a
feature or a bug? If a bug, is there a fix? If a feature, are there
any other ways to easily mark cells that do not involve fills? As it
is, I already have two colors in the sheet, and it is getting a bit
dicey when I need to print it out in B&W because many of the colors
print about the same shade of grey. I'm also using bold & italic text
in other cells, so I'm running out of options for easily marking cells.
I'm using Excel v11.2 under Mac OS 10.4.3.
I have a relatively large spreadsheet in List Manager, using visuals
and the totals row. It is currently 888 rows (including the * and
totals row) by 24 columns wide. I remember reading something, possibly
in the Excel help, about list manger not working well with large
spreadsheets, but I don't recall it saying at what point "large"
begins, so perhaps this problem is related to using the List Manager.
Anyhow, I recently put some colored borders on some cells in the list,
and I noticed that when I sort or flter by various criteria, the
borders move to different cells. This is not good. I want the borders
to stay with the cells I've put them on.
OTOH, I have some other cells *filled* with a distinctive color, and
those cells are not affected like this. They stay filled correctly
regardless of how I may sort or filter the list.
So is this deal with the colored borders moving to different cells a
feature or a bug? If a bug, is there a fix? If a feature, are there
any other ways to easily mark cells that do not involve fills? As it
is, I already have two colors in the sheet, and it is getting a bit
dicey when I need to print it out in B&W because many of the colors
print about the same shade of grey. I'm also using bold & italic text
in other cells, so I'm running out of options for easily marking cells.