Cell Capture Multiple WorkSheets?



Excel2003 ... I have approx 90 WorkSheets ... Cell D6 of each worksheet
contains a value I wish to capture in a single worksheet Col. I can select
each cell & then select Cell D6 of the applicable worksheet, but I will have
to do this 90 times ... & I have other Values I need to capture same way.

Sooo ... is there a "Magic" way to do this?

Thanks ... Kha

Sean Timmons

Do the 90 sheets have a pattern to them?

If so, you can use indirect...

if you happen to have, say, Sheet1 - Sheet 90..

You'd have 1 - 90 as a row of values in say, row 1

then, you can enter:


and copy across your row.

Depending on your pattern, you coudl do this one of a few ways.

If no pattern like that, it would require Visual Basic code...


You looking for a single column with D6's values of each sheet?

if yes one way is use indirect and address embeded like

=indirect(address(6,4,1,1,"name of the sheet")

regards from Brazil
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

"Ken" escreveu:

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