Cell content removal



I was wondering if someone could help me with a macro where it would remove
cell contents if certain criteria is not met.
Weekly i create a new file to be distributed that I need to clean up up cell
contents that does not meet specific criteria.
The criteria I need to meet is the following, column name listed first, than
criteria, for all others I will need the cell contents removed for the column
name listed below.

Column Name and Criteria where cell contents are needed for three columns
within worksheet:
Year = 2008 or greater
Defect = "Yes"
Human Error = "Yes or "No"
Status = "Closed", or" Closed - No Action" or "Contionous"

If this criteria is not met above than remove cell contents in the following
columns: "Project", "Details", and "Cost"
I am thinking I need some type of dowhile loop, but not real fluent on VBA.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rick Rothstein

Some clarification please...

1) First off, what columns (letters) are those names in?

2) Out of curiosity, is there any other answers besides "Yes" or "No" for
the "Human Error" column?

3) When you say "If this criteria is not met"... does that mean if ANY ONE
column does not meet the condition you posted (even if the other 3 do), that
is enough to warrant clearing out the other columns you listed?


1)It can vary from report to report but lets say the first four columns then
I can tweak the macro if needed, if possible

2) Yes, there can be "Unknown" or a blank cell

3) All Criteria is met

Rick Rothstein

Okay, I assumed the following...

Column A: Year (as a 4-digit number)
Column B: Defect
Column C: Human Error
Column D: Status
Column E: Project
Column F: Details
Column G: Cost

If I understand your "All Criteria is met" answer correctly, here is the
macro to do what you want...

Sub TestAndClear()
Dim X As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For X = 1 To LastRow
If Not (.Cells(X, "A").Value >= 2008 And .Cells(X, "B") = "Yes" _
And InStr("*Yes*No*", "*" & .Cells(X, "C") & "*") > 0 _
And InStr("*Closed*Closed - No Action*Contionous*", _
"*" & .Cells(X, "D") & "*") > 0) Then
.Cells(X, "E").ClearContents
.Cells(X, "F").ClearContents
.Cells(X, "G").ClearContents
End If
End Sub


I am receving a Compile Error: Expected End With

Rick Rothstein said:
Okay, I assumed the following...

Column A: Year (as a 4-digit number)
Column B: Defect
Column C: Human Error
Column D: Status
Column E: Project
Column F: Details
Column G: Cost

If I understand your "All Criteria is met" answer correctly, here is the
macro to do what you want...

Sub TestAndClear()
Dim X As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For X = 1 To LastRow
If Not (.Cells(X, "A").Value >= 2008 And .Cells(X, "B") = "Yes" _
And InStr("*Yes*No*", "*" & .Cells(X, "C") & "*") > 0 _
And InStr("*Closed*Closed - No Action*Contionous*", _
"*" & .Cells(X, "D") & "*") > 0) Then
.Cells(X, "E").ClearContents
.Cells(X, "F").ClearContents
.Cells(X, "G").ClearContents
End If
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

Yep... I left it out. The End With statement should go immediately before the End Sub statement. Sorry.


Okay it seems to be working, have not completed the run of the macro, a
little slow, could be the amont of data it needs to look at. Also one issue I
came across it is removing the column titles for E, F and G.

Rick Rothstein

Okay it seems to be working, have not completed the run of the
macro, a little slow

VBA code is not noted for its speed when it has to interact with the worksheet.
it is removing the column titles for E, F and G

Try changing this line...

For X = 1 To LastRow

to this...

For X = 2 To LastRow


It still is removing the column titles, this is what I have for the code. I
tweaked it to which column the data is:

Sub TestAndClear()
Dim X As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
With Worksheets("Monthly Export")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For X = 2 To LastRow
If Not (.Cells(X, "A").Value >= 2008 And .Cells(X, "DR") = "Yes" _
And InStr("*Yes*No*", "*" & .Cells(X, "DQ") & "*") > 0 _
And InStr("*Closed*Closed - No Action*Continuous*", _
"*" & .Cells(X, "H") & "*") > 0) Then
.Cells(X, "DS").ClearContents
.Cells(X, "DW").ClearContents
.Cells(X, "DX").ClearContents
End If
End With
End Sub


Rick, it is working fine, I failed to reopen the file and try again once I
updated the 1 to 2 to the last code you sent. Thank you again for all your
assistance. Your post was very helpful.....


I was wondering, for experience, can you explain how this code works. Ia m
not understanding the "*". If you could walk through the code.

Rick Rothstein

The method I used combines all the possible answers into a single string and then uses the InStr function to see if the actual answer is in that string of text somewhere. The asterisks (could actually be any character that does not appear in the string formed by combining all the possible answers) are there to prevent a false hit. Your current situation probably rules out the need to protect against false positive hits now, but may be required if you ever change things. Here is how it works. Consider this combination of possible values... "none", "two", "four". If we just formed the string "nonetwofour" and then used the Instr function to see if an answer of "two" was in there, it would work fine. But what if the user accidentally answered "net"? The Instr function would find that as part of the combined word pars "none" and "net" and report a false hit. So, we divide the words up with a delimiter (I used an asterisk, but as I said earlier, any character that would not appear in any of the possible answers could be used) and use the Instr function to test against this string instead... "*none*two*four*". Okay that stops the false hit at the combination of two joined words, but it does not stop the possible false hit of a word within a word. For example, what if the user answered "one" by mistake. The Instr function would find that word inside "none" and, again, report a false hit. The way to protect against that is not to test the word the user enters, but the word surrounded by asterisks. So, if the user answered "net" or "one", no false hit would be generated because "*net*" or "*one*" would not match any part of "*none*two*four*"... only one of the actual answer words, when surrounded by asterisks, would match any part to the string "*net*two*four*"... hence, no false positives are possible... well, as long as the user doesn't type in "net*two" at least<g>. If this last possibility is a concern, an character such as Chr(1) could be used as the delimiter instead of a typeable character (like the asterisks), but this isn't usually something to worry about.

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