Barry Martin via OfficeKB.com
Simple Excel spreadsheet. Excel 2000 on Win 98. Cell A1 formatted as a
number. B1 is also formatted as a number. C1 = B1/A1. This works fine on
the PC I developed it on and on two or three other PC's. One particular PC,
however, when entering a new number in either A1 or B1 the cell changes to
0 when tabbing to the next cell. Trying to change back to the original
value has a similar effect. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Simple Excel spreadsheet. Excel 2000 on Win 98. Cell A1 formatted as a
number. B1 is also formatted as a number. C1 = B1/A1. This works fine on
the PC I developed it on and on two or three other PC's. One particular PC,
however, when entering a new number in either A1 or B1 the cell changes to
0 when tabbing to the next cell. Trying to change back to the original
value has a similar effect. Any help is greatly appreciated.