Cell Format Issue



I get unexpected results when date formatting a worksheet cell in a MS Excel
spreadsheet - in other words it looks like a calculation is trying to take
place such that entering 1220 in the cell returns a date of 5/4/1903 and
entering 12202006 0r 122006 returns a negative date displayed as ########. I
have not experienced something like that before – and I use MS Excel way too

The cells are formatted as dates.

Is there a way I can enter the dates without the slashes?


hi Becky,

Format as custom mdaaaa

regards from Brazil
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

"Becky" escreveu:


That did not work.
If I enter 1220 I get 54Monday in the cell and in the function area it says
If I enter 122006 I get 114Tuesday in the cell and in the function area it
says 1/14/2234.

I know what the m and d are for what are the aaaa?

Dave Peterson

I bet it's a language difference. I'm guessing that the "a" in Marcelo's
native language represents some variation of year (like Annual). Why the USA(?)
excel treats it as a formatting character, I don't have a guess.

But if you enter 12202006 into a cell, then excel has no way of knowing that
you're entering a date. xl just figures you're typing a giant number

If you try to format that as a date, then excel will do what you say. But excel
just uses a number to represent the number of days from a starting date (Dec 31,
1899 for most windows users).

So if you entered a real date 12/20/2006 and format it with a General format,
you'll see: 39071. And this is just the number of days since 12/31/1899.

But you do have some options to make data entry easier. You can use a worksheet
event that Chip Pearson created that allows you to enter the data the way you
want. But this event will convert it to a real date.


Or you could use another cell with a formula that converts it to a date.
This works for me with my USA Settings (mdy):
(but I have to format the cell as date, else I'll see that number (like 39071).)

One more option is to preformat the cell/column as Text.
then enter your values always using 8 characters.
select the range (single column at a time)
data|text to columns
fixed width
remove any lines that excel guessed
and choose mdy
and format it the way you like.


Thanks, Dave
I will see if the user wants this code or not. This was very helpful.
Thanks again

Gord Dibben


You cannot format a cell to do this.

Chip Pearson's site has event code that will look after the change as you enter
the numbers.


Also check out his site to see how Excel handles dates.


Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

That did not work.
If I enter 1220 I get 54Monday in the cell and in the function area it says
If I enter 122006 I get 114Tuesday in the cell and in the function area it
says 1/14/2234.

I know what the m and d are for what are the aaaa?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Yes Dave you are right,

Here in Brazil we speak portuguese and Year means ANO,

Sorry for the mistake..

regards from Brazil
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

"Dave Peterson" escreveu:

Dave Peterson

Not a mistake--just an international difference.

(I always assume USA settings. So it's not just your problem <bg>.)

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