Cell formating



Hi greetings

i am trying to enter a value 80010010078905205 in a cell & i have selected
the format (ctrl1) as Custome>0. After entering the above value in the cell
the system return this value 80010010078905200. the last digit 5 is getting
replaced by 0. I have tried to copy format from another cell which has
similar length of digits, using the format painter. Appreciate your help on

Warm regards

Abhijit Dasgupta


Excel cannot handle such a long number. Try and enter it as text by
preceding your entry with a '. The ' will not show, but will ensure that the
entry is reflected correctly. Of course you then cannot calculate on this
number. If it is a credit card number, I would use either the ', or put
spaces between the groups of digits.
'80010010078905205 or 8001 0010 0789 0520 0

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