Cell Formats



Older version of Excel through 11 have only allowed 4,000 cell formats. Does anyone know if MS has added to this number in version 12?

JE McGimpsey

Older version of Excel through 11 have only allowed 4,000 cell formats. Does
anyone know if MS has added to this number in version 12?

From Excel Help ("Specifications and Limits for Excel 2008"):


Thanks for showing me that there really is something useful in the Help menu.

This additional number of cell formats is the most compelling reason for me to change to Excel 12. The slow scrolling, limited placement of windows, no macros & a couple of other things I've mentioned are still over compelling reasons to not use Excel 12 until after this year's income tax prep season. Then my workweek goes from 140+ hours to 10-80 hours.

I've been cramped by the 4,000 cell format available in the past. I've lost the use of some customers tax forms because they would not open because of too many cell formats. 64,000 will work for me.

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