Cell formatting in Excel Pivot Diagram


Tore Gylver

We use Excel 2000 to display a Pivot diagram. The datasource is an olap cube
on a SQL server 2000

I would like to format the column headings of the pivot diagram so they are
displayed vertically. In excel I go to FORMAT menu, then FORMAT CELLs, then
ALIGNMENT. Here I can set the orientation of the header cells to any angle I
want (90 degrees).

The pivot diagram allows the user to click on a header cell (year) to
display the next more detailed level (week number). We have 3 such levels.

I expand all levels of the header cells and set the orientation to 90
degrees. After a collapse of the header cells and another expansion, the
cells are no longer oriented to 90 degrees. The levels that have been hidden
are returned to 0 degrees.

How can I format the header cells to keep their orientation through a
collapse/expand cycle?


Tore Gylver

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