Cell referencing from sheet to sheet in a workbook


Eric ACM

I have created two sheets in a workbook. I want to
reference specific cells in one to cells in the other.
There are quite a few cells I need to do this with so
referencing them one by one is very lengthy and tedious.
I would use the fill handle but the problem lies in that
on the base sheet, where I would put the command =Sheet2!
B2 for example, the information is in rows and on the
other sheet the information is in columns. When I try to
fill, even if I enter 5 cells by hand, it wants to follow
the row configuration in the 2nd sheet instead of the
columns like I want it to. Basically is there a way to
simply reference a row in one sheet to a column in
another. Thanks a bunch.


Thanks a ton, that just made my day!
-----Original Message-----

There is a formula for this.

=TRANSPOSE("range") array entered. (Ctrl+Shift+Enter)

Make sure you highlight the entire row range before you enter.

So, if you have 5 columns, highlight 5 rows, then add the formula to the
active cell and array enter.




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