cell refrence based on specific criteria



I am trying to refrence a specific cell based on set criteria.
I have a cell with a current calcualtion. I am then wanting to find out
what cell is associated with that number, for example I have ratios running
along side a ratio count column (1, 2, 3, 4 and so on).
In my new cell I'm trying to say if the count ='s the value in my current
calculated cell, then this cells value is the ratio associated with that
count column.

Sean Timmons

so, if your variable is in, say, cell C1 and your formula is in cell D1 with
your ratio column along column A and result column in B, you can put into D1:

This wil lreturn the nearest value from the column, so if C1 is 2.3, you'll
get the value from your 2 column. If you don't want nearest match, only
exact, then: =vlookup(C1,A:B,2,FALSE)



In Cell C7 I have a calculation.
In Row E I have a range from 1 to 4034 (this may change depending on my data
set ex. 1-50 or 1-60000)
In Row F I have ratios that correlate with the range 1 to 4034.
I would like to create a calcuation that will correlate cell c7(number may
be 1 through 4034) to row f (my ratio), based on the numbers listed in row e
(numbers 1 to 4034).

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