Cell remains BOLD


Randy Rutecki

I have been trying to get rid of the BOLD in certain cells. I have tried
using the tool bar and clicking off the B, I have tried VBA with bold=false
with no luck.

If I delete the word in the cell and retype the same word I get the BOLD
again if I type a different word it will be OK.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Dan E

Only thing I could think of . . . might be worth a shot.

Select one of the suspect cells and select
Format -> Conditional Formatting

Take a look and see if a condition like
Cell Value Is equal to =some condition

If there is try deleting it...

Dan E

you suck

try right clickin on the cell andhit format. hit the font tab and see if the
cell is formatted as bold under font style. You can change it there. If that
doesn't work, try copying the format from a cell that doesn't have bolding
turned on and do a paste special/formats to the affected cell.

Harald Staff

You provie good advice in your postings. But since this is a worldwide forum, your alias
may be interpreted as a just little unfriendly in a few remote cultures. Let me humbly
suggest that you consider another name to use when your're wearing the Helpdesk Hat.

Best wishes Harald
Excel MVP

Followup to newsgroup only please.

you suck

I certainly didn't mean to offend and apologize for it. I will change the
name shortly

Harald Staff

No personal problem my friend, Frank Zappa and Eminem are both in heavy rotation on my
stereo. Just wanted to notify just in case.

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