Cell Select sequence




I want to know whether is there a way that the cell can be
in a sequence such that, it is in order when i wanna key
in the information.
E.G when i enter the value in C10, then follow by C11,
then D10, D11, E10, E11, E12, & so on. There is a way when
we hit the ENTER button in an assigned sequence?


Debra Dalgleish

One way is to select the block of cells in which you want to enter the
data. Then, type a value in cell C10, and press Enter to move to the
next cell in the block.


On the Menu select Insert, Name Define... a name, say "Entry1" in the Define
name dialog box. In the refers to box enter:
Save the Workbook and Close
Then re-Open the workbook,,
First thing, from the Name Box dropdown, select Entry1
your set to stay within the presubscribed cells.. This is Sample only..

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