Cell Tab



I have created a document in which I would like to fill in certain section
with different data. How do I lock the document so that I can just tab to the
specific areas to fill in data?


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
What you are describing is a protected form. See
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Customization/FillinTheBlanks.htm and especially
the forms tutorials by Dian Chapman that this article links to.

The information you provided works well with anything prior to MS 2007. I am using Microsoft Word 2007, the tool bar is different than previous MS tool bars that I have used. Are you familiar with word 2007 and how I can Cell Tab similar to what previous MS Word templates do?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You need to enable the Developer tab (this option is somewhere in the Word
Options), and then you will find the Forms buttons in Developer | Controls |
Legacy Tools.

I am using Microsoft Word 2007, the tool bar is different than previous MS
tool bars that I have used. Are you familiar with word 2007 and how I can
Cell Tab similar to what previous MS Word templates do?

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