cell to adjust in another workbook when cell changes



I have an input worksheet that totals to a category. I then have a seperate
worksheet for each category according to Month and Year. I want the value of
the category from the input worksheet to go the proper cell in its Month and
Year. I know how to get the values there but I want it to adjust each time I
change the input cell. Ditto between different workbooks.


If your two worksheets are in the same workbook, it should work
automatically. For example, if in your "summary" worksheet in the cell for
January, 2005, it says something like =sheet1!E5, then every time the value
in sheet 1 cell E5 changes, then the summary worksheet would automatically
update. If you've done it some other way (copy and paste maybe) and the
formula above is not there, then you need to redo it.

If you are using two separate workbooks, then you'll get a message when you
open the summary worksheet that asks if you want to open and update the
links. You would say yes.

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