I have a rota with 4 people who's initials I put in next to a
corresponding date. When someone is on holiday I want to be able to
change the validation on the cells which have the dates the person is
away, so that if their initials are entered the message box pops up.
I have tried simply looking at the Tools>Validation but this is more
what is allowed (there is no, do not allow option), and I dont know
how to put in multiple values. i.e with Allow selected IF(<Cell>
-"JB","FS","EB") I would have thought this meant that Joe Bloggs,
Frank Smith and Emma Buntons initials could all be entered, but any
other initials couldn't? Please can you help?
I have a rota with 4 people who's initials I put in next to a
corresponding date. When someone is on holiday I want to be able to
change the validation on the cells which have the dates the person is
away, so that if their initials are entered the message box pops up.
I have tried simply looking at the Tools>Validation but this is more
what is allowed (there is no, do not allow option), and I dont know
how to put in multiple values. i.e with Allow selected IF(<Cell>
-"JB","FS","EB") I would have thought this meant that Joe Bloggs,
Frank Smith and Emma Buntons initials could all be entered, but any
other initials couldn't? Please can you help?