cell value not recognised



I populate spreadsheets with data retrieved from an access db using ADO via
an excel form. Connection string used is, strdb =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strDbPath & ";Persist
Security Info=False"
I then access the spreadsheets via a .NET application and load various excel
row values into variables to be used by the application. ADO Connection
string used is,
strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel
8.0;HDR=No;IMEX=1;". The cell format in all cells in all spreadsheets is set
to Text. The problem I am having is that cell values occasionally get ignored
when reading rows via my .NET app. For example if I have a row, row 10,
A10="A10 cell value",B10="B10 cell value",C10="C10 cell value". I can see
the values in the spreadsheet, but when I loop through the cell values via my
..NET app sometimes only cells A10 and B10's values will be retrieved. This
does not always happen. For example a previous row may have 10 cells that
have values and all are retrieved correctly by the application. Hopefully i
have explained myself properly and any ideas would be greatly appreciated?


....Another point is that the datatype of excel cells being ignored is
returned as 'dbnull' where I would expect it to be 'string'
It also seems to happen when rows are moved around, deleted, edited. So for
most rows it is ok as long as I don't move, add or delete rows. Also once the
error occurs even if I delete all cells in the sheet and re-add rows, it
still happens, almose like the worksheet is corrupt? Although I can see that
a particular contains text, I'm not sure what excel sees. I really would
appreciate any help with this, thanks.

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