Cells automatically switching to Wrap Textformat if long text string entered.



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC

I often want to keep long text strings in a small cell. An annoying thing that is happening in Excel 2004 (and 2008) with some spreadsheets, and all new spreadsheets, is that a cell automatically switches to Wrap Text cell format if I add text to a cell that is longer than the cell will display. This causes the cell to expand vertically to show all the text. I always keep Wrap Text unselected for the entire spreadsheet, but this still happens. I have to go to Format Cells > Alignment > Text Control (where I find that Wrap text has been mysteriously selected) and unselect Wrap Text every time. I cannot find a way to prevent this in Format Cells, Preferences or Help.

Any suggestions?

Using Excel 2004 v. 11.5, Mac OS 10.4.11


Well, define one term first: You say this happens when you *add* text. Does
that mean you're *typing* the text or that you're *pasting* content that was
copied/cut from somewhere else? The latter is the easiest to explain & fix.

If you're pasting content copied/cut from another cell keep in mind that
*everything* about the cell is cut/ copied including its formatting. So if
the cell you've cut/copied from has the wrap attribute it's getting pasted
along with the content. You can use the Paste Options button & select Match
Destination Formatting or use Edit>Paste Special - Values to avoid pasting
the formatting.

OTOH, if this is happening when you *type* the content into a fresh cell on
a fresh sheet there must be something more to be explored. Provide as much
additional detail as you can about what circumstances seem to trigger the
behavior, file format, any template involvement, etc.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I am usually pasting content into cells, not typing. The text is often text content from websites, or from Word or Preview documents. The cells I paste into usually have a lot of text already in them. I am adding to the existing text.

I just tried some things and learned the following:

1. Pasting text that has a carriage return in it, or typing Command+Option+Return with any characters before and after causes the Wrap Text formatting to switch on in the cells; unless I have previously manually changed the row height. Pasted text with no carriage returns does not turn on Wrap Text formatting – regardless of prior row height change.

2. Wrap Text formatting will not turn on when pasting any text into any cell for which I have previously manually changed the row height. Entering Command+Option+Return will not turn on Wrap Text formatting for any cell for which I have previously manually changed the row height.

I am using standard .xls workbooks in Excel 2004. No Template.

Regardless of what I’ve learned here regarding the need to change the row heights before pasting text is there any way to prevent Excel from automatically switching on Wrap Text formatting in non-height altered cells?




What you've discovered is the default behavior of the program. I don't know
of any way to change that. It's just that your workflow apparently differs
significantly from that of the "traditionally typical" user.

When you manually adjust the row height or column width you're basically
saying "that's what I want, don't automatically adjust". But you don't have
to change the height before pasting if you use either of the techniques I
suggested in my previous reply (Paste Special or Paste Options).

One other option available - since you're using 2004 - is to create a
pasting macro that takes advantage of one of those methods. Use it when
pasting content copied from the sources you mentioned - you can even
reassign the Command+V (Paste) keystroke to your macro if you wish.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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