Cells that run on to another page



I have inherited a Word table. The previous user copied
and pasted a heading onto each page. I wanted to remove
the duplicate heading on each page and make it a header
row in the table. I hoped that would save me the time of
having to adjust my cells at the bottom of each page
(cells that ran over to the next page). I am discovering
that the cells are still reacting the same way and, if I
put a page break in to keep text in a cell together, I
lose my heading on that page. Other than inserting extra
carriage returns (which may not be needed the next time I
modify my table), how can I make sure that all the text in
a particular cell stays together on one page?
Thank you.

Jon Weaver

1. To keep a row in a table from appearing on two pages, place the
insertion point anywhere within a cell in that row, click Table, click Table
Properties, click the Row tab, uncheck/clear the Allow row to break across
pages check box

2. To repeat table headers at the top of each page, place the insertion
point in the top row of the table, which should contain your header (you can
select more than one contiguous row if you wish but the selection must
include the first row) and click Heading Rows Repeat on the Table menu

3. Word automatically repeats table headers on new pages that result from
automatic page breaks; Word does not repeat a header if you insert a manual
page break or any kind of section break within a table; this splits the
table into two tables; repeated table headers are visible only in print
layout view or when you print the document



Thank you, Jon. The wealth of information available
through Microsoft Newsgroups is invaluable. Thanks again!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Note, however, that you can use "Page break before" formatting in a row
without splitting the table."


Hi Abby

Highlight the entire table, click on "Table" on your toolbar, then "Table Properties", "Row", uncheck "Allow Row to Break Across Pages". I hope this helps

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