


How I can make a cell contact with another cell on another sheet and it will
changes when day changes.

example I have cell A1 sheet1 contact with cell A2 sheet 2 and cell A1 sheet
2 is the date when the date change A1 sheet 1 will auto change to B2 sheet 2
and the date = B2

squenson via OfficeKB.com


You could use the CHOOSE function which returns the nth value. For example,
=CHOOSE(3, A2, B3, C4, D5, E6) will return A4, the third value in the array
{A2, B3, C4, D5, E6}. This works well if the cells are not contiguous, but
you are limited to 30 values if I remember well.

If your values are in contiguous cells (same column for example), you can use
the INDEX function, something like =INDEX(B1:B50, 3) which will retrieve the
third cell in the range, i.e. the content of B3.

Replace 3 in the formula above with INT(NOW()-DATE(2007, 08,14)) and this way,
each day your cell content will display a different value.


squenson via OfficeKB.com

You should read
=CHOOSE(3, A2, B3, C4, D5, E6) will return C4 <-- and not A4 !!!

Corrected post below:


You could use the CHOOSE function which returns the nth value. For example,
=CHOOSE(3, A2, B3, C4, D5, E6) will return C4, the third value in the array
{A2, B3, C4, D5, E6}. This works well if the cells are not contiguous, but
you are limited to 30 values if I remember well.

If your values are in contiguous cells (same column for example), you can use
the INDEX function, something like =INDEX(B1:B50, 3) which will retrieve the
third cell in the range, i.e. the content of B3.

Replace 3 in the formula above with INT(NOW()-DATE(2007, 08,14)) and this way,

each day your cell content will display a different value.


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