center a webpage in pub03 so it's not to left in all browsers?


Dale Smith

I am trying to center my web page to be in the center of all browsers. How
do you do this? If I center it visually on the page, on another computer you
have to scroll over to see the page. Is there a way to have it in the
center, no matter what size screen and browser it is viewed on? Please


Take a look at this thread

Subject: Software to assist centre pages?
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 18:36:00 -0800



Centering a Publisher web page is a FAQ around here. There is no built-in
support for this. Publisher generates left justified, fixed width, absolute
positioned pages. Don Schmidt has come up with a fairly easy way to center
Pub 2002 and 2000 pages, and Jo and Spike have have offered a method to
center 2003 and 2007 pages....but it isn't all that easy, and you will have
to edit the code of each of your pages each time you make a change in your
Publisher publication, and produce new html.

I would suggest that you first read: Understanding background padding in a
Publisher web (aka white space):

Then you can read the message in this group:
Another article about centering the page...Publ;isher removes the manually
entered html code - Wintensive -
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The code you need to insert, and how is discussed there.


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