Center across selection frustrations



Type in "miles" in cell a1
Center across selection a1:B1
Copy a1:B1 to c1
Delete c1
The center across selection changes for (a1:B1 - now is A1:D1) aargh!
How can I stop this?

Jacob Skaria

Delete c1 will remove only the text but not the text alignment format. You
will have to set the horizontal alignment of C1:D1 back to General

If your intention is to copy the text alone you could have
--Instead of copying A1:B1; copy cell A1 to C1
--Even if you copy A1:B1 togetther paste special values to C1

If this post helps click Yes


That answered my question - thanks.

I'm creating a quarterly form that the user input weekly information and the
last item is to input a $ amount in a cell that would be centered across two
columns. In the process of setting up the I had $ amounts in every other
cells and then started to clear out the unnecessary values. Based on what
you said, the only solution would be to put in a ' in every other column -
because I want to retain the center across selection (but to limit it to ONLY
two columns) and was trying to avoid macros (I know this wouldn't be hard).
But may have to resort to this because the user might get rid of the ' (and
the problem would show back up)

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