center floating text box on page



is there a way to center a floating text box on a page so it stays centered
no matter what the browser resolution is? Is seems that I can only set
absolute position and and want the text box to be centered on the page no
matter what resolution or window size.




To centre an HTML element you need three things:

1) A complete and valid doctype

2) Left and right margins set to auto

3) A fixed width for the element

An example is at

Note that if you use Absolute Positioning for a container that contains text, the page WILL break when a user resizes the text.
If you knew all about absolute positioning, you would avoid it.

What do you mean by Text-Box? If this is the text box produced from the Drawing tool bar, then avoid that as well. It uses VML graphics in IE, and a picture of the contents in other browsers.
See for more details.
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (Expression Web)

Joel submitted this idea :


Yes you can! But Joel need to see the Code you working with to help you!

// a JavaScript alert text box

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript>
//hide from old browsers
alert('there a way to \n ©center© \n a floating text box \n on a page \n
so it stays centered')
// -->

//A floating text box marquee

<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
mesg = "The JavaScript Source, another marvelous use of bandwidth!";
isNS = (navigator.appName == "Netscape");
isIE = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
text = ("<i><font size=2>"+mesg+"</font></i>");
if (isNS) {
document.write("<blink>" + text + "</blink>");}
else if (isIE) {
document.write("<marquee behavior=alternate direction=right>" + text +
// End -->
<i><font size=2>The JavaScript Source, another marvelous use of

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