Center text in a shape textframe



I need to center text in an autoshape oval's text frame. It works fine in
Excel 2007 by using the text frame and inserting a single letter as a
character with no additional instructions. However, after loading it at work
in Excel 2003 the character is barely visible in the lower left hand corner
of the oval. I inserted the horizontalallingment to center horizontally but
I can't get the verticalalignment to work. Any suggestions?


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

If you right-click the oval's non-text area and select "Format AutoShape"
from the popup menu that appears, you will get a dialog box with 8 tabs on
it... click the Alignment tab and set the Text Alignment there. Then, when
you type your text in the text area of the oval, it will take on whatever
alignment you selected.




Thanks. That worked to show me what the real problem is. I didn't
mention I'm coding this in VBA, but I got the same result by working with the
shape on the worksheet directly. The real problem is that it works until the
shape gets so small then the character moves to the bottom of the oval. If I
make the oval bigger then it is clearly cnetered, vertically and
horizontally, but as I shrink it the letter stays horizontally centered but
moves to the bottom of the oval. Is there any way to get it to center when
the shape is small?

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Working on the worksheet directly... I cannot duplicate the problem you are
describing. As I shrink the oval's size, the text remains centered. If I
shrink it so the text no longer fits, then the text is cropped and what
remains visible is still centered.



OK. Not sure what might solve this for me except to go back in Excell
2007, rework it, and try to reload it back in Excel 2003.
Thanks for your time.


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