Agree Include pages are a better tool than shared borders
But you can have a "centered" page using left & right shared borders
- if you don't mind the 24 px spacer cells between the borders and the main page content
Make your main page a center aligned table of fixed width (based on content)
Make your left shared border a right aligned table of fixed width (based on content)
Make your right shared border a left aligned table of fixed width (based on content)
| With a left Shared Border the page will always align to the left of the
| browser window. A Right Shared Border will always align with the right of
| the browser window.
| Your only options are to:
| 1 - rebuild all pages using FP included pages instead of shared borders.
| All content, including "borders" can then go into a centred table.
| 2 - place the content of the pages into 100% tables [ <table width="100%"
| blah blah...>. This may make reading difficult due to long line length at
| higher resolutions/wider browser windows, but will eliminate white space to
| the right.
| The only way to use JavaScript would be to dynamically build your pages
| according to browser width - a long task with very little return for the
| effort.
| Ron
| --
| Reply only to group - all emails will be deleted unread.
| | >
| > Hi Joe,
| >
| > I should have mentioned my website is already using shared
| > borders and tables within. I have 500 pages ...would I
| > have to do each page? Maybe there is a javascript I could
| > insert into the HEAD?
| >
| > Thank you,
| > Gary P.
| >
| >
| >
| > >-----Original Message-----
| > >Hi Gary,
| > >
| > >One way is to construct your page inside a centered
| > table set to 100%
| > >width.
| > >
| > >--
| > >Joe
| > >Remove "AA" for email
| > >
| > >FrontPage Users Forums at:
| > >
| > >| > >> What settings do I need for my website to be centered in
| > >> all display resolutions. I am using FP 2002, 17" LCD. My
| > >> display resolution is 800 x 600 and when I increase the
| > >> resolution it looks funky. I have seen other websites
| > >> where their website, viewed in the higher resolutions,
| > is
| > >> simply centered instead of displaying all to one side
| > like
| > >> mine.
| > >
| > >
| > >.
| > >