Centered page works but...



The page is now centered thank to the code suggestion by all in this
group. Excellent!

However, now the page is centered in the middle, and all the space
around it is WHITE. How can I control the background white color in
the browser. to see the example I'm talking
about. I would love it if I could get all the white around it to be
black. Thanks!

Jason T.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Anywhere within the <head> </head> tags of your page add

<style type="text/css">
body {background-color: black}

Dunno if Pub will let you keep it though.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| The page is now centered thank to the code suggestion by all in this
| group. Excellent!
| However, now the page is centered in the middle, and all the space
| around it is WHITE. How can I control the background white color in
| the browser. to see the example I'm talking
| about. I would love it if I could get all the white around it to be
| black. Thanks!
| Jason T.


By the way, I saw you ask about how to center the page in the regular
newsgroup. Credit is given to Jo,
Re: Software to assist centre pages? posted 1/14/08 . It seems to work for
2003 and 2007. Spike also suggested a way to use ReplaceInFile, but I think
maybe the user will have to customize his instructions...


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Yah, but I wasn't sure how op centered it in first place, looks like a div &

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| Publisher does it automagically of course. Format > Background.
| DavidF
| | >
| > Anywhere within the <head> </head> tags of your page add
| >
| > <style type="text/css">
| > body {background-color: black}
| >
| > Dunno if Pub will let you keep it though.
| >
| >
| > --
| > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| > Rob Giordano
| > Microsoft MVP Expression
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | > | The page is now centered thank to the code suggestion by all in this
| > | group. Excellent!
| > |
| > | However, now the page is centered in the middle, and all the space
| > | around it is WHITE. How can I control the background white color in
| > | the browser. to see the example I'm talking
| > | about. I would love it if I could get all the white around it to be
| > | black. Thanks!
| > |
| > | Jason T.
| >
| >


Hi all,

First, that is correct. Credit to Jo for the simple centering code
involving the table. Just using the <center> for the body wasn't
enough for me to make it work.

As fo the background color, I figured out what David wrote shortly
after. Publisher simply does this for your in the Format > Background

So I am very pleased with the results so far as the page is nicely
centered on any browser and the background is black. Thanks to

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Cool. I'd be curious to see if it stays centered after you publish more
Please post back when you do.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| Hi all,
| First, that is correct. Credit to Jo for the simple centering code
| involving the table. Just using the <center> for the body wasn't
| enough for me to make it work.
| As fo the background color, I figured out what David wrote shortly
| after. Publisher simply does this for your in the Format > Background
| command.
| So I am very pleased with the results so far as the page is nicely
| centered on any browser and the background is black. Thanks to
| everyone!


You have to edit the code each time you produce new pages from an edited
Publisher doc. That part is not automated....but should be. The option to
center the pages should be built-in...


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

centering is difficult when using layers

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| You have to edit the code each time you produce new pages from an edited
| Publisher doc. That part is not automated....but should be. The option to
| center the pages should be built-in...
| DavidF
| | > Cool. I'd be curious to see if it stays centered after you publish more
| > pages.
| > Please post back when you do.
| >
| >
| >
| > --
| > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| > Rob Giordano
| > Microsoft MVP Expression
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | Hi all,
| > |
| > | First, that is correct. Credit to Jo for the simple centering code
| > | involving the table. Just using the <center> for the body wasn't
| > | enough for me to make it work.
| > |
| > | As fo the background color, I figured out what David wrote shortly
| > | after. Publisher simply does this for your in the Format > Background
| > | command.
| > |
| > | So I am very pleased with the results so far as the page is nicely
| > | centered on any browser and the background is black. Thanks to
| > | everyone!
| >
| >


Jason I'm kind of new here. Can you tell me how to place my webpages at the


Read the thread "Fire fox and centering" by WY on Feb 9 for a discussion on
centering Pub web pages.


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