Hi Cindy...
Sorry I didn't get back to your reply for a few days. I was trying some
different things.
Regarding orientating to the windows form - I don't think it is. It seems
to work on the development machine but not the target machine. Possibly due
to resolution since both machines have different resolutions.
To get it to work on the development machine, I modified the code so that it
was using a pixeltopoints conversion. Maybe you or someone else can figure
out what I'm doing wrong or what I need to add.
WordApp.Visible = True
WordApp.ActiveWindow.WindowState =
WordApp.ActiveWindow.View.Zoom.Percentage = 75
WordApp.Resize(WordApp.PixelsToPoints(Int(0.9 * Me.Width),
False), WordApp.PixelsToPoints(Int(0.8 * Me.Height), True))
WordApp.Move(WordApp.PixelsToPoints(Me.Left, False) +
((WordApp.PixelsToPoints(Me.Width, False) - WordApp.Width) / 2), _
WordApp.PixelsToPoints(Me.Top, True) +
((WordApp.PixelsToPoints(Me.Height, True) - WordApp.Height) / 2))