Centering no, but bigger yes


Don Schmidt

At times there is a question on how to center a web site page. Publisher,
(I use 2000) doesn't support centering but what you can do is select File,
Page Setup and create a wider page. It will require some folks to use the
width scroll bar but these days most folks are running bigger display
settings which should cause minimal dissatisfaction by most.


Don, Good suggestion, but I am wondering just how wide of page you would
suggest given the larger monitor of the day? DavidF

Don Schmidt

I've got a 19" Hitachi with the settings at 1152 x 864 and giving the 7"
width a try. What I experienced was several of the graphics and text boxes
needed readjustment.

You are welcome to visit to see what it looks like on your monitor.

I'd be interested in your monitor display settings and how full your screen


Good morning Don,

For a number of reasons, I currently have my 19" set at 1024 X 768. If I do
not have the Favorites pane open, your whole page fits...if not, there is
about an inch or so that requires scrolling to see the right side of the

FWIW when I tried to print the page, which may not be an issue for you, it
cropped off the right side of the page. Never the less, I want to experiment
with publishing pages at a higher resolution to see what impact it has on my
site, as I use the default 'wide' setting, which I believe is 7.5". Even so,
my page views with lots of extra white space to the right. I'll let you know
if I discover anything helpful.

Also FWIW, when viewing your page I noticed that the text in the section on
'Stop Family Violence' has been converted into an image. This is probably
because you are trying to wrap the text around the image of the stamp.
Perhaps you don't care that this happens, but if you do then one workaround
I use in these cirucumstances is to simulate wrapping by using more than one
text frame. I create one text frame beside the image and another text frame
below, that is the combined width of the first text frame plus the image.
You can even set the first to flow text into the second if you want. Like I
said, FWIW...


Don Schmidt


Thanks for the visit and the results. Also the comments on how to work text
and images together. I'll do some tinkering there.

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