Central Calendar



We have just moved to Outlook2003 on Exchange Server 2003 from Outlook 2000
on Exchange 2000. We are an office with 10 users, all have view access to
everyones calendars.
In 2000, a user (the firm) was set up to maintain all company (public)
meetings and general email from outside of the firm. All users had access to
this calendar to set up appointments for other and invite the required person
and the optional attendees (their assistants). The inbox was designated to
one user (receptionist) who monitored the inbox and responded to emails and
appointment responses. This was done so that the Required attendee had the
option to accept/decline or make the appt. tentative, the message would go
back to the firm for appropriate action.
In 2003 using this same process when we check the tracking on meetings, all
of the reponses are none, even though 'the firm' and attendees have responded
to the request.
In the past this was an indication that the request was ignored, and the
appointment would not be on the attendees calendar.
I have given all permissions that I could find for the receptionist for the
Firm inbox and calander. I have given permissions for the other users to edit
the calendar.
Have I missed something. We are in a very busy time of year and cannot have
appointments disappearing from the central calendar. Any suggestions????

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