
I am not sure what to use but here is the situation:
I have a macro that Ron Bruin brilliantly helped with that combines data in
several tabs into one summary sheet and that works great..

Then, in the summary sheet I need to add formulas that "automatically" copy
down rows and into columns based on if there is a text in a certain cell in
that row.. if there isn't, then I need the condition/macro to stop..

I have tried a couple of different things and nothing is working so
obviously I am lost and need help from the wonderfully brilliant folks here..

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance..

Luke M

You might be able to modify this and add it to your existing code.

Sub CreatesFormulas()

'Where do you want formula?
For Each cell In Range("B:B")
'What column are you checking for text?
If Cells(cell.Row, "A").Text <> "" Then
'What is the formula?
'Use double quotes if actual formula
'would contain a single quotation
cell.Formula = "=COUNTIF(A:A,""Bob"")"
End If
End Sub

Bob Bridges

"Wonderfully brilliant", that must be me!

If you don't know how to write a macro yourself and don't care to start
learning, then I imagine you don't want to modify Mr Bruin's macro either, in
other words you'd prefer to stick with worksheet functions. That may be
possible, but first I need to know exactly what you want copied: what does
"down rows and into columns" mean, exactly? The rest of it may be a bit
complicated but should be possible.


I think this will work, except I of course assumed you could read my mind
and knew exactly all the other particulars of the situation!! I am very sorry
to be so dense..
Here is a (hopefully) better specific detail of the situation:
Columns I:L would contain the formulas and they would be looking in Column C
for text and if finding text in that column, the formulas would run in each
column, i.e., Column I takes Column D + Column E - Column F.. Column J takes
Column D + Column E - Column H. Column K = Column G. Column L is the formula
Column J - Column K.
And these formulas need to "copy down and into succeeding rows" into Columns
I through L as long as there is text filling in Column C.
Columns A through H data is already there from the Ron Bruin macro which is
based on constantly changing data on individual tabs throughout the workbook.
I am ok with adding macros and feel a little comfortable with the VB world..
albeit not as comfortable as you wonderfully brilliant folks! :)..
thank you again for your time!

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