cgm graphics and powerpoint 2003



At work (where I just started), we will be upgrading from powerpoing 97 to
2003 (can't say I'm disappointed). Anyway, apparently there's some problem
with .cgm graphic formats. Apparently they are (or were) used a lot in
existing presentations and don't import well into 2003. Has anyone heard of
this problem or can anyone suggest a workaround. I've never worked with or
used cgm format before.

Thanks for any thoughts.


Steve, I haven't actually run into the problems yet (I know that sounds
strange). I've only worked with the company for three weeks and we just
started using MS office 2003 today. However, the company put out a "known
problems" sheet and apparently the cgm graphic images, present in the '97
version don't import very well into 2003. They are recommended that the
images be removed from '97 and then reimport into 2003 (I think I'm
remembering that right). It's a wierdness. I'm guessing when I say that
perhaps many of the images they use are .cgm format.

Updating is out of the question. I don't have internet access at work and
everything is pretty much locked down tight. There's very little play for
the user (entirely frustrating for someone like me who updates whenever I
can, at home).

I'm not sure that this helps or answers your question, but thanks for your

I discovered other bad news on all of this. I was absolutely elated when I
found out I'd be albe to use 2003 instead of 97 (I don't think I need to say
more on that!!!). Anyway, we aren't all on the same server, so two of the
people that I do the presentations for won't be upgraded for quite a few
months yet, which sucks. It means they won't be able to see anything that I
do, unless they get permission to use the viewer, but that won't help if
they want to make any refinements to the file. I might be stuck using 97
for a while yet (at work), but being the person that I am, I thought I try
to hunt down a solution for the image issue described above for when we're
all on the same version.

At work (where I just started), we will be upgrading from powerpoing 97 to
2003 (can't say I'm disappointed). Anyway, apparently there's some
with .cgm graphic formats. Apparently they are (or were) used a lot in
existing presentations and don't import well into 2003. Has anyone heard
this problem or can anyone suggest a workaround. I've never worked with
used cgm format before.

What specific problems are you having?

Is it with graphics that are already in existing presentations and that
misbehave when opened in 2003 or with CGMs that you're importing into

Before doing anything else, choose Help, Check for Updates and make sure
copy of 2003 has all the latest updates applied. That alone might solve
a few problems.

Echo S

Diana, I don't know about the CGM image issue, but as far as updating, head
to Help/About to see if SP-1 has been applied to Office 2003. If it hasn't,
go see your IT people -- they need to update Office 2003 for all users. This
is a critical update for many of the Office 2003 applications, but it's
especially so for PPT 2003.

Also, you can turn off the new features in PPT 2003 so you're not tempted to
use them. Go to Tools/Options/Edit and place checks in the boxes to turn off
new animations and transitions, passwords, and whatever the third thing is
down at the bottom of the dialog box. Oh, multiple masters, I think it is.
This effectively takes you back to "PPT 2000 mode," which is, for all
intents and purposes, the same as 97. Just don't use picture bullets or
animated GIFs (things 2000 can do that 97 can't), and you'll be fine.

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