Chain-Link Binding



The Short Version:

Input Field 1 has a value of X. I would like Input Field 2 to automatically
check a table (columns are: ID, Description), find the record with the ID
equal to x, and then set itself equal to the Desecription.

The Very Long Overly-Complicated and Drawn Out Version:

In my form I have a drop-down box to select "Keycodes". When a keycode is
selected, bound text fields auto-fill with the values from other columns from
the "Keycodes" table.

~Keycode > Promotion ID, Source ID, and Market ID

So, if I select Keycode "XYZ Zippers", the bound text fields (promotion,
source, and market) will recieve the values 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Each bound text field has an associated description field:

~Keycode >>
~Promotion ID > Promotion Description;
~Source ID > Source Description;
~Market ID > Market Description;

All three IDs have tables that associate their ID numbes with a description.
I am trying to code the description fields to look up their IDs from their
associated fields in a table and then set itself equal to the description
that is also stored in that table.

~Keycode Selected > "XYZ Zippers"
~Bound Fields > Promo ID = 1, Source ID = 2, Market ID = 3
~Update>Promo Description = select description from tbl_promo where id = 1
~ Source Description = select description from tbl_source where
id = 2
~ Market Description = select description from tbl_market where
id = 3

.... something like that. I know what needs to be done - I just have no idea
how to do it. I really appreciate any help that you can give, or even trying
to understand my issue for that matter.

Many thanks in advance!


Daniel Doyle

From what you describe I would suggest that you either use the DLookup
function in each of the fields, or you create a subform that is related to
the main form on KeyCode and displays Promotion ID, Source ID, and Market


Ron Weiner

The Short Answer

In the AfterUpdate Event of InputField1 try

If the InputField1 is a Number:
InputField2.Value = Dlookup("Description","TheNameOfTheTable", "ID=" &

If the InputField1 is a string:
InputField2.Value = Dlookup("Description","TheNameOfTheTable", "ID='" &
Nz(InputField1.Value,"") & "'")

I could not follow the logic of the second version.

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