Chalange: Creating recursive tree from Excel List



Fellow Programming Experts,

:confused: Can anyone provide a helping hand concerning the followin

I have a Excel representation of a recursive tree that looks lik

Column A.............Column B
Grand Father........Father
Son1....................Grand Child1.1
Son1....................Grand Child1.2
Son2....................Grand Child2.1
Son2....................Grand Child2.2
Son2....................Grand Child2.3
Son3....................Grand Child3.1
… and so on.

I need to load that data into a virtual tree in memory using a clas
module that has three properties:

Current Node Name
First Child
Next Sibling

I know that the solution is a recursive function which instances th
class module several times. I have implemented this frequently i
various programming languages, however I am relatively new to VBA an
can not figure out how to do it.

Could anyone provide some sample lines of code I could start from

a) the class module (I have never used class modules before) and
b) the function that loads the data into the tree?

This would be fantastic!!! Any hint is very much appreciated.


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