Change All in Spellchecker Word 2004


Drew Provan

If I spellcheck a large document and use the Change All option, I can
³change all² for a few words then the spellchecker will stop at a misspelled
word but on the left pane the word highlighted was the previous option. I
can close spellchecker and continue for a few words then the same thing
happens. I had this with Word v.X as well, on two separate Macs.

The option I have is simply to click ³change² and amend each misspelling one
at a time, but in a large document this takes much longer.

Any idea why this happens? Any fixes?



Daiya Mitchell

If I spellcheck a large document and use the Change All option, I can
³change all² for a few words then the spellchecker will stop at a misspelled
word but on the left pane the word highlighted was the previous option. I
can close spellchecker and continue for a few words then the same thing
Why do you close spellchecker? Why not simply click Change All again and
let it go on?

You are sure it's *exactly* the same word (capitalization, plural, and all)?
I had this with Word v.X as well, on two separate Macs.
Hmm...difficult to put it down to corrupt prefs or Normal, then. Any chance
that your language formatting is inconsistent? I can replicate that
behavior if half the language is tagged English US and half is tagged
English AUS. When it happens, check carefully at the top of the
Spelling&Grammar dialog to see what it says the language is. Alternatively,
select all, click Tools | Language. If no language is pre-selected, it
suggests there may be more than one language in your doc.

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Drew,

Right, didn't understand your first post correctly. I tried it with the
longest doc I had, some 400 pages, and yes, saw the same behavior. Sometimes
if I clicked in the bottom-left pane after S&G had stopped on a word but
showed the wrong suggestions, the pane would update to show current
suggestions, but I had to click line by line. After I closed and restarted
S&G, it seemed to behave for a much longer period than initially. The
problem seems to be that the bottom left pane does not update to show the
suggestions--for instance, the pane would tell me (no spelling suggestions)
but I could click Change and switch "anglophone" to "Anglophone".

I then tried it with a 25-page doc and did not see the same behavior.

This is very strange and completely unacceptable. Regenerating a fresh
prefs file makes no difference. Regenerating a fresh Proofing Tools
Preferences makes no difference.

Can anyone else see if they can duplicate this, and with what length doc?


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