Drew Provan
If I spellcheck a large document and use the Change All option, I can
³change all² for a few words then the spellchecker will stop at a misspelled
word but on the left pane the word highlighted was the previous option. I
can close spellchecker and continue for a few words then the same thing
happens. I had this with Word v.X as well, on two separate Macs.
The option I have is simply to click ³change² and amend each misspelling one
at a time, but in a large document this takes much longer.
Any idea why this happens? Any fixes?
³change all² for a few words then the spellchecker will stop at a misspelled
word but on the left pane the word highlighted was the previous option. I
can close spellchecker and continue for a few words then the same thing
happens. I had this with Word v.X as well, on two separate Macs.
The option I have is simply to click ³change² and amend each misspelling one
at a time, but in a large document this takes much longer.
Any idea why this happens? Any fixes?