change automatic same txt all page



Hola amigos, manejo el Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

Tengo una archivo de Publisher de 4 pagina, Como puedo tener un cuadro de
texto en la hoja 1, lo copie para pegarlo en la Hoja 2 y 3 y 4,

Como puedo hacer la relación cuando cambio el texto que esta en este cuadro
en la hoja 1 y que me cambia automático en las demás hoja donde lo tengo

Hello friends, handling the Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

I have a file of Publisher of 4 page, As I can have a text in leaf 1, copies
it to stick it in Leaf 2 and 3 and 4,

How can make the relation when change the text that this in the leaf 1 and
which he changes to me automatic in the other leaf where I have it copy?



The easiest way that I can think of is to name the textboxes with a fairly
simple name like "Page1Box1". Then you can write a sub that looks for a
specific pages text box, extract a number value from it, add 1 to it, and
change text in a target text box.

So to Name the text boxes (if you don't want to write a sub to do it),
select the first page textbox, and go to the immediate window on the Visual
Basic Editor. Type:

ActiveDocument.Selection.ShapeRange.Shape.Name = "BoxName"

where "BoxName" Name is the name of your textbox. Keep in mind that all
names must be unique. You cannot have two shapes of the same name on a page,
and if there are two shapes of the same name in a document, only first one
encountered by the program will be returned when referring to them.

Next, create a sub similar to the one below (This assumes that the text
boxes being changed have "Page" and a number in them like "Page 1":

Public Sub TextBoxChanger()
Dim Page1box as Shape
Dim TempString as String
Dim TempByte as Byte
Set Page1box = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes("Page1Box")
TempString = Page1box.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
'Extracts the number whether 1 or 2 digits from the end of the string
TempByte = Right(TempString, Len(TempString) - InStr _(1,TempString, "

'Loop the following to do multiple pages or leave it as is to just take care
of the next page.
TempByte = TempByte + 1
ActiveDocument.Pages(2).Shapes("Page2Box").TextRange.TextFrame.Text = "Page
" & TempByte


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