Hello Charles,
I¹m not into Track Changes, even though I develop documents with many
colleagues (I use alternative methods), but it¹s quite possible someone will
come along with a good answer.
In the absence of a solution, here¹s a thought: Would a satisfactory
solution be to make a PDF of the Word document as displayed on your Mac
with Track Changes showing and send that, together with a totally
unmarked-up Word document?
In that event, if anyone wanted to make changes to the unmarked-up document,
they would do so, then when you got it back you would do a ³Compare
documents² routine (Tools menu => Track changes => Compare documents) to see
what they had changed, and would agree/disagree with their changes.
FWIW: One of the reasons I avoid Track Changes (but not ³Compare documents²)
is that I can¹t stand the corruptions and dropped/added spaces that occur,
especially when tables are involved. Tracked Changes also encourage people
to concentrate on the minutiae (it¹s ³control-freak paradise²) instead of
looking at the totality of the writing. For more on the corruptions, see
pages 63-64 of ³Bend Word to Your Will², some notes on the way I use Word
for the Mac, which are available as a free download from the Word MVPs'
website (
The upshot is that I keep a ³master² copy of the document that doesn¹t go
through everyone else¹s computer, since all the ³Compare documents² versions
are ³Saved As² copies (i.e., not the pristine ³master²).
So I always sleep soundly at night... ;-)
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from the US and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)
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