Change carriage return to a line feed



I have data being merged to my word document from propietary software, that I
can't change. The data comes over like this:

Mergefield1 = Response1 <CR> Response2 <CR> Response3
Mergefield2 = Response4 <CR> Response5 <CR> Response6

As such, when the responses print in my document, I can't get a hanging
indent to work. Each response gets printed at the left margin.

If I change the <CR> (carriage return) to <LF> (line feed) everything prints

Is there a way (other than manually) to get the data, when being merged, to
change the Carriage returns to line feeds?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP on

It would be best if you did not start a new thread for the same issue.

One way in addition to those that I mentioned in your other thread would be
to use the datasource with a Directory type mailmerge main document in which
you have the merge fields inside the cells of a one row table and then use
Edit Replace to replace ^p with ^l, then add a row at the top of the table
into the cells of which you insert the names of your mergefields and then
save that document and use it as the data source for the mail merge that you
originally wanted to perform.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

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