Change case to Title Case


Steve Crowther


Can somebody help me with an urgent request, please?

I have been given an Access database file that has the table 'Table' and a
field 'surname'.
Data in 'surname' is all in Upper Case. I need to quickly change this to
Title Case (first letter caps, rest in lower case)

I can do a long winded export/import thing via. Word but it's not working
out because of the amount of fields and fitting it all on a page.

I don't know anything about Access and don't have time to learn. A quick fix
with instructiones needed, please.

Thanks for any help you can give.

John Spencer

Do you want to do this permanently or just for a specific use? In a query,
you can calculate the new value.

Field: Surname: (UCase(Left(
.[Surname],1)) &

You can also use the StrConv function to do the same thing.

Field: Surname: StrConv(

This will give you "bad" results on names like MCFADDEN to Mcfadden.

If you need to do this permanently then you can use an update query and use
the StrConv(
.[Surname],3) as the value for the UPDATE To "cell"

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