Change Chart Properties for Multiple Chart Shts using a Worksheet



I would like to be able to change the properties of my 50+ Chart Sheets by
using a worksheet to pull the info from and then I would like the Charts
Properties to update when new data is inputed into the worksheet. Eventually
I would like to control all the Inputs this way, but for now I just need it
for x-axis (min,max) and a Source Data Series (X) Range.

I have a worksheet with 'col A' = ChartSht Name; 'col B' = X-Min; 'col C' =
Y-Max; 'col D' = m & 'col E' = n for Series "Test" X-value ={m,n}
Sec1 (1) 0 1000 0 1000
Sec1 (2) 1000 2000 1000 2000
Sec1 (3) 2000 3000 2000 3000

Thanks for any ideas

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