Before you can add a new spot-color (spot color: Premixed color matched to a >standard color guide, such as PANTONE.) ink, your publication must be set up to >use spot colors.
On the Tools menu, point to Commercial Printing Tools, and then click Color >Printing.
Under Define all colors as, click one of the following:
Spot colors
Process colors plus spot colors
When you add a new spot-color ink, you can choose a new ink from the Pantone >(Pantone: A widely-used color-matching system that defines hundreds of spot-color >inks or process colors made up of CMYK inks.) Matching System or the Windows >color palette, or define it using the the RGB (RGB: A system that describes colors >as a mixture of red (R), green (G), and blue (B). The color is defined as a set of >three >values (R,G,B). Using 0 (zero) percent of each color produces black; using >100 percent of all three colors produces white.), CMYK (CMYK: A color model for >commercial printing that produces a wide range of colors by mixing varying >percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks.), or HSL (HSL: A color >model that defines a color by three values: Hue, the color itself; Saturation, the >purity of the color; and Luminance, the amount of light that is either reflected or >absorbed by the color.) color model.