Change color possibility



I would like to know if it is possible to change the color of a note
(text box) inside a page.
For example I would like to have a ToDo list to be highlighted in
Please help.



You can easily change the color of a page within a section but I don't think
you mean that. You cannot (as far as I know) change the color of a note
container (what you refer to as a 'text box'). But you can highlight any or
all of your notes within a note container in the same way you would in Word,
by using the highlighter. If you are doing this a lot I suggest putting the
highlighter on your tool bar.
But there is a more powerful way within OneNote of achieving what (I think)
you want and that is by using Tags. Either use the default To Do tag or
create a new To Do tag of your own. (That depends on whether you want a check
box type tag or not). Then you can choose any font color you wish or a
highlight color - or both! After that when you type in a To Do item,
provided you tag it with your To Do Tag, then it will automatically adopt the
color or highlight you chose.


You got exactely what I meant.
I would have liked to change color of the container.
Thank you anyway for the usefull info regarding formatting.


Rainald Taesler

lucacasty said:
I would like to know if it is possible to change the color of a note
(text box) inside a page.
For example I would like to have a ToDo list to be highlighted in

Sorry, there is no such feature.
You may change the *font* and there are workarounds for coloring a
But there is no way to change the background colour of a *container*.

You may post this as a suggestion for the next version in "Connect",
the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the developers

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.



I was a bit too clever for my own good earlier in this thread! I said that it
was easy to change the color of an individual page. Now I want to do just
that and don't know how. You say there is a workaround for this - what is it


Many thanks. I broke my own golden rule here which is - Search on the
discussion group before posting a question. I did that and found the answer
which you have also now given me.
But - if Microsoft are listening, why can't you find this out from the Help
pages? I entered everything I could think of. Then, even when I knew the
answer, I entered Page Setup and still didn't find it!! Without these
discussion groups we'd still be in the Stone Age with this product. A
decent book is SO badly needed. I remember, fondly, the days when software
came with a manual the size of a 747.

John Waller

I remember, fondly, the days when software
came with a manual the size of a 747.

Same here.

I also remember never reading the manual and leaving them in their
shrinkwrap then thowing them away 12 months later.

Also, dead tree manuals go out of date very quickly.


I had the same issue. I wanted to change the color of the page and the color
of a table. Sadly, I can't do anything about the table. I am a bit confused
why I couldn't find anything in the help for the background color of a page.

Note, it would make sense to put/copy the page formatting on the 'Format' tab.


You are right twice over! First of all, being 'confused' (how polite of you)
that there seems to be nothing in the help pages about this issue. I find the
help pages for OneNote to be totally useless (Microsoft - please show a sign
that you are listening!!!)
Your suggestion that the facility to change an individual page color should
logically be on the Format menu, where Section Color and Notebook color can
be found, is dead right.
Is anybody with MVP or MS after their name going to join in?! Possibly by
telling us we are all wrong. I've been called a 'dummy' in these discussions
recently so have broad shoulders!

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