luftikus143 said:
Hi there,
I find the proposed color schema for coloring text and backgrounds
rather unpleasant. Is there any way to add new colors or change the
schema completely?
Bob has told you how to change the Color Palette. Note that this is a
Workbook setting, not a global setting, so changing the palette in one
worksheet won't change any others.
For existing sheets you can import the palette from another sheet. to
automate this, you can record a macro of opening the workbook with the
desired palette, then copying the palette (Preferences/Color/Copy
from...) and closing the workbook.
To make every new sheet use that palette, create a default workbook: Lay
out your colors/formatting/number of sheets, etc. in a fresh workbook,
then save it *as a template* named "Workbook" (no quotes, no extension)
in the XL Startup folder. By default that folder is
~:Microsoft Office 2004:Office:Startup:Excel
where ~ is your OSX home account directory. Put it in your alternate
startup folder if you've set one in Preferences/General.