Change colors in Calendar



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: Exchange

In Calendar, the current day is hi-lited in an off-white/beige color. Upon quick glance of your calendar, it is hard to recognize the current day as it blends with the light gray background color. Can you change this color or change the background color? I have searched on Microsoft's web site to no avail.

Thank you.


Jeff Chapman

Yeah, the color variations on the Calendar are very
subtle, aren't they. I kind of like the colors they're
using now, but I too wish that the background color
for the calendar was customizable.
Actually, I wish for a lot of things to improve the
usability of the calendar in Entourage right now...
like the ability to set how many hours are displayed
per day on one screen (the timescale), or the
ability to drag and drop tasks from the to-do list
on the right hand side into the calendar.
But I digress...

Please, add your voice to the many people who are
requesting improvements to Entourage, by
sending feedback to Microsoft! The more requests
they get on a certain issue, the better the chances
are that they will give it priority.


Diane Ross

In Calendar, the current day is hi-lited in an off-white/beige color. Upon
quick glance of your calendar, it is hard to recognize the current day as it
blends with the light gray background color. Can you change this color or
change the background color? I have searched on Microsoft's web site to no

You can't change it, but you might need to adjust your monitor. See this
screenshot as a comparison.

Calendar Colors in Entourage 2008

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