change cursor from a dot


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I want to discuss a drawing as I do it (capturing as a movie). It would help
with the discussion if the cursor was larger than the small dot - a copy of
one of the small pen icons perhaps. Is it possible to select a different
cursor whilst drawing?


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I would like to expand on my posting below.

I guess it does seem rather trivial and not worth much consideration. I have
used the Smart Board software from Smart Technologies to produce lessons and
that software provides a cursor in drawing mode which looks like a tiny pen -
about the same size as the pen selection icons. It is amazingly useful to
point at objects for the students with this pen as you discuss them. They can
then follow the discussion easily.

The little dot in OneNote is too hard to see and not suitable for the
purpose. If the highlighter is used, then the drawing is cluttered with
highlighter everywhere. I really want to use OneNote for my productions
because in so many ways it is better for the task - with only this one MAJOR
exception. Sigh!

Please, please add an alternative drawing cursor like the one in SmartBoard.
If I could copy and paste a little graphic of the pen into this posting I
would, but the posting software won't let me :)


ng user

I agree, is there anyway to change the pen cursor to a small pen. That small
dot is lost on my pages of notes, I find myself trying to gues where it is
or making arbiturary marks to get my bearrings. Other than that the new pen
experience is awesome!

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