change date format using autocomplete



When I enter a date, AUTOCOMPLETE offers to complete the date. However, the
date format default is "m/dd/yy". I want to change this default format but
cannot find where to do so. I want the format to be "mmmm dd, yyyy". Any
ideas on how to change this format?


Thanks for your response. When I set this default format as you pointed out
below, it does not appear to alter the format used when I start to type a
date. For example, when you type the following, 7/26, you get a hint display
box that reads, "7/26/06 (Press ENTER to insert)". If I press ENTER,
autocomplete types, "7/26/06". Instead, I want autocomplete to type, "July
26, 2006". Any ideas?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Have you tried starting to type "July "? Generally, speaking, Word will
AutoComplete the short or long date format you have selected in Control
Panel | Regional Options depending on whether what you are typing is a short
or long date. The default selected in Insert | Date and Time has no effect
on AutoComplete; it only determines what date you get when you use the
Alt+Shift+D shortcut (which gives you a DATE field).


Thanks Suzanne. Control Panel - Regional Options seems to allow some control
for the AutoComplete.

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