Change Default Endnote Number Style on Word for Mac?



I work for a publishing house whose editors use Word for PC. Production,
however, is on Macs. When Editorial sends their manuscript files to
Production, the endnotes are displaying with Roman numerals. The same file
shows Arabic numerals on the PC but has turned mysteriously to Arabic on the

I can change the numbering style by just clicking on the first endnote
reference and using the pop-up that appears to apply an Arabic style, but is
there anyway to change the default setting so that that happens

Probably this is just a weird Mac/PC compatibility issue that can't actually
be "fixed," but I'm not sure, so I thought I'd ask. Any suggestions would be

Daiya Mitchell

[cross-posting to the MacWord group]

I don't think so.....that's a per document setting and I don't think
there is a way to make it apply across all documents. One quicker
alternative might be to record a macro that changes the setting, but I
think it will need to be fixed per document each time the problem occurs.

Re preventing the problem--does this happen with every single document?
I'm a Mac user and I frequently exchange files with endnotes, and it
doesn't always happen. Recently I got a document from a PC user that
used 1,2,3 endnotes in the original, but somewhere when I did a Save As
it randomly changed to i,ii,iii endnotes. But I've received other
documents from this same person without any problems.


Thanks for the rsponse, Daiya--It's actually comforting to see it happens to
other people, too.

Anyway, all of the editorial departments here use Word, but only the Math
department uses the footnote/endnote function. And, truly, all of the files
they've submitted to Production have been afflicted with the mysterious
roman-numeral conversion issue. I may ask to look on one of their PCs to see
what sorts of settings they're using, but I'm sure it will just be the usual
Arabic-numeral style, since that is what they get when they print some of the
MS for us, and since 9frankly) I would be surprised if they even knew how to
change it.

If you have any other ideas, I'd appreciate it. Even a macro that we'd run
per document would be useful, though I suppose it would have to be saved as
an add-in so it could be used on different files.

Sigh. I thought we were all suppposed to have jetpacks by now.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

FWIW, the default numbering style for endnotes is lowercase roman numerals.
No one I've talked to at MS has ever been able to explain the rationale for
this, but most users who actually use endnotes change this in If
a document based on or a specific template not present on the
recipient's machine is opened on a machine where this has *not* been changed
in, it's possible that the local setting would prevail.


Hmm--I'll have to investigate that on the editors' PCs. Thanks for the
suggestion, Suzanne! I'll post back with the result--but it won't be until
later today, because I need to find an editor who won't freak out when I want
to prowl about their machine.

Daiya Mitchell

Late PS:

You should be able to record a macro that works, as far as I know, and
save it in some global template/add-in in Production, for a single-click

But maybe Suzanne's suggestion re changing Normal will work.

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