Change Default Picture Format Options in Word 2000?


A Baffled User

I sent this query to microsoft.public.word the other day, but it seems that
group is less active than this one. Trying again.

I am working on a 20- or 30-page Word 2000 document that will have at least
two graphics (JPEGs) on each page. Is it not possible to set default
picture-formatting preferences (perhaps creating macros for the different
setups I use repeatedly), so I don't have to go through the tedious process
of changing, for example, the distance from the top and the bottom of the
picture from 0" to 0.13" every single time?

Also, when I format graphics using Format>Picture>Layout>Advanced, the
outcome on the actual page of the choices I make in the Layout dialog box
seems unpredictable and illogical. Graphics pile up on top of each other or
are totally out of whack in their relation (or lack thereof) to the wrapped
text associated with them.

I would also expect that once I've chosen various options for any one
graphic and clicked OK on my way out of all the various dialog boxes, those
options would remain the same until I change them. But, nay. I clear the
"Move object with text" and the "Lock anchor" fields under Advanced
Layout>Picture, and when I return to that box to try and figure out why my
graphic has gone to East Overshoe, one or the other or both of those two
boxes mysteriously have checkmarks in them again!

Picture placement goes better when I use the drawing toolbar, but all
problems do not disappear. I still can't get my graphics to reliably occupy
the spot on the page that the format choices I make on the Drawing toolbar
would lead one to expect. When I have grid lines set up to be visible on my
page and place checkmarks in "Snap objects to grid" and "Use margins" in the
Drawing Grid dialog box, my graphics do not always stay within the one-inch
page margins, as I want them to. Am I missing something?

Many thanks for your help--I need it!


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